There were many different events afterward, not all of which I remember. I am also almost certain that quite a few of those I do remember, I made up. And others have eroded or evolved over time. But some I see clearly, as if they are happening here and now. I have no doubt that they really happened, exactly as I remember them.
For example, I am standing in a long hallway against the wall. Children are running up and down the corridor, screaming incessantly. The volume and tone of their noise is shaped uniquely within the acoustics of the smooth, hard walls, floor, and ceiling. I feel like the sound will make my head explode. I try to shut my ears, which I almost manage to do, but then an adult approaches me, leans down, and shouts over the noise: "What a polite little boy!" I barely stop myself from biting her nose. At the same time, I feel a sense of pleasure, for which I have an overwhelming urge to bite off my own finger.
Or I wake up from a dream when someone whispers my name. I don't recognize the name and feel confused. I can't understand who they are calling for. I can't understand who I am. I don't remember. I begin to panic. Then gradually, I start to remember, calm down, and open my eyes knowing who and why I am supposed to pretend to be.